Cheap and Easy Junk Food Alternatives

Finding cheap and easy junk food alternatives that actually taste like the thing that they are replicating can be a difficult job to achieve. But we have come up with a few creative alternatives to keep those food binges at bay and those pennies in your purse!

The Big Crisp Crunch

Crisps are one of the most popular junk food pitfalls. The flavour, salt, sugar and oil that is packed into these snacks can have chemical reactions in the brain that result in momentary happiness. But the secretion of dopamine really doesn't last long. Soon enough the feeling of bloat, regret and guilt will start to trickle in. One of the best ways that you can avoid overeating and overspending where crisps are concerned is by replacing them with homemade sweet potatoes. You can pair these with some store bought or homemade hummus to give you that crisp and dip feel.


  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Hummus


  • Cut the sweet potatoes as thinly as possible into a rounded crisp-like shape. 
  • Toss the sweet potatoes in olive oil and Salt.
  • Place the slices (not overlapping them) on to a baking tray and pop them in the oven for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take the potatoes out when they are golden brown. 
  • Enjoy your cheap and healthy crisps!

Crispy Kale

This is another way that people are managing to curb their crisp cravings. Simply soak some kale in some oil and salt and pop it in the oven to create a crunchy, flavoursome and healthy alternative. Kale can be a little expensive when bought from conventional supermarkets, but if you take a look at healthy and cheap options online then you can save money on your Kale crisps. So not only are these flavoursome crip alternatives a great way to watch your weight, but they will also protect your wallet as well!

The Mighty Tortilla Wrap Pizza Base

Pizza has a grip on us all. The tantalising taste of tomatoes, cheese and dough really can be one of the most difficult things to resist. But now you don't have to! Simply put your favourite pizza toppings onto a tortilla wrap in order to get all of the taste without the expensive cost and excessive calories! Plus you can find some pizza based hygiene tips online to make sure that you are being both healthy and clean!


  • Tortilla wraps
  • Olive oil
  • Tomato paste 
  • Cheese
  • Your Favourite Toppings!


  • Use a brush to paint the tortilla wrap with a thin layer of oil. 
  • Place the wrap in the oven for 3-5 minutes, turning halfway through.
  • Once the wrap is hard you can apply your chosen toppings. 
  • Cover the wrap with your tomato paste, toppings and cheese.
  • Place it back in the oven for a further 5-10 minutes.
  • Enjoy your low calorie and low cost pizza!

The Burger Without the Bun

Burgers really are the king of junk food. Their barbeque taste, layers of cheese and perfect pairing with chips make them a superiorly difficult food to resist. But the worst part of the burger really is the bun. The thick carb-filled brioche bap is the only thing that you need to get rid of in order to cut the calories on your weekend treats. You can also try investing is some vegetarian burgers to help save some extra money and calories!

Cauliflower Rice

A new and tasty phenomenon that has been hitting the supermarkets this year is cauliflower rice. It comes as a replacement for the notoriously calorific packet rices that people often have with currys. Cauliflower rice not only cuts your calorie intake in half but can also be made at home for a significantly lower price!

What About Deserts?

If you have a major sweet tooth that is making you pile on the wight pounds and lose the money ones then it's time to start looking into healthy and cheap alternatives. There are plenty of ways that you can help to curb your spending and weight gain, but using alternative foods is one of the most tried and tested tools for doing it. Check out our sweet tooth replacements below!

Frozen Yogurts or Smoothie Popsicles

If you are a fan of ice cream and ice pops then a great substitute is frozen yogurts or smoothie popsicles. Just take your favourite brand of yogurt and pop it in the freezer for a few hours and voila, you have an ice cream substitute that cuts your calories and expenses in half! You can also make your favourite kind of fruit smoothie, pop the contents into a popsicle mould and freeze them. Once again you are left with some scrumptious ice pop alternatives! A great way to save on these ice pop substitutes is by checking out some of the items you can buy from Sainsburys! where you can find an expanse of online supermarket discount codes. You can find more ideas by looking at this homemade popsicles article!

Banana Ice Cream

This is another great alternative for the ice cream lovers out there! This really does make a creamy and smooth texture and can be paired with some low calorie maple syrup for that extra sweet tate!


  • Bananas
  • Milk
  • Vanilla Flavouring
  • Low calorie maple syrup (optional)


  • Cut up you bananas into slices and place then in a container in the freezer for 2-3 hours.
  • Take the bananas out of the freezer and blend them together with some milk and vanilla flavouring.
  • Pour the mixture back into a container and freeze for another hour.
  • Plate up your ice cream and pour on some maple syrup!

Hot Chocolate

A great evening alternative to eating chocolate is by drinking it instead! Not only is a nice cup of hot chocolate a cheaper alternative to a bar of chocolate, but it contains significantly fewer calories as well! The flavour that hot chocolate gives really does see to that sweet tooth properly, so you won't be craving any sweet treats afterwards!

There are plenty of junk food alternatives out there that will not only help you lose weight and stay healthy while also helping you to save money. All it takes is a little will power, some creativity and a taste that is often equal to (if not better than) its junk food contestant. So head out today and start filling up on sweet potato chips, crispy kale, tortilla pizzas, banana ice cream and hots chocolates! It all sounds delicious!


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