How To Save Money On Your Hen Do Abroad

Some of the most amazing, entertaining and exciting hen dos take place out of the country. Heading to another country to celebrate the finale of unmarried life really is a great way to get all that dancing, drinking and laughing with the girls out of your system. But these kinds of hen dos can cost a lot of money! With this in mind we have compiled a list of our top tips for saving money on your hen do abroad!

2). Do you really need all of those clothes?

We all know how tempting it can be to buy new clothes before heading abroad, especially if you are going on a hen do. But make sure that you watch how much you are spending. Don’t go buying a new bikini if you already have five in the back of your wardrobe. Take a little look at these summer wardrobe on a budget tips to start making real savings!

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1). Drink Less

Now this is probably the toughest money saving tip to achieve when embarking on a hen do abroad, but it is definitely worth giving it a go. By drinking a significantly lower amount of alcohol you will not only be saving those extra pennies for the actual wedding but you will also be ensuring that you don't gain weight, have a permanent hangover, or eat too much the following day! No one wants to get married the week after an alcohol and food binge. Keep those pennies (and calories) to a minimum where possible. One of the best things about visiting another country is exploring the sights, culture and people. You don't want to spend your entire honeymoon sat by the toilet because you feel sick!

2). Go for a Self Catering Option

Self-catering options are a great way of saving you money on food when embarking on your hen party abroad. One of the most money draining activities that people undergo when they are abroad is going out for breakfast, lunch and dinner. By going for a self-catering option you and your party can buy in all that you will need from a local supermarket. Take turns cooking and enjoy your dinner times from the comfort of your very own luxury villa! If you are on a busy schedule then you can also check out some other holiday package options to suite you and all of your hens!

Top Tip: Going out for dinner is a really great way to celebrate your impending marriage. You can have a couple of set days to eat out so that you don't miss out on the celebrations! Just make sure you pre-allocate days for dinner in and days for dinner out so that there is no confusion when you actually get there!

3). Airport Parking

One of the most tried and tested ways that you can save money on your hen party abroad is by sourcing the internet for deals. Airport parking is one of the most significant places that you can save money when traveling abroad. Whether you are going for on-site, off-site or meet and greet parking, you can find great deals by searching for online discount codes. Check out this great guide to budget friendly airport parking to get some great deals! Use the money that you save for when you are actually on your hen do, not on the airport parking!

4). Get the Girls to Pay

Now this one may sound a little cheeky, but it is your hen do after all. I’m sure your girlfriends won't mind chipping in to buy you some drinks, food or even your plane ticket. This can act as both a wedding present and a gesture of goodwill in the lead up to your wedding. Maybe on the night that you go out for dinner the girls will chip in to pay for your meal? This is a really great way to save money on your hen do abroad!

5). Set a Budget and Stick to it

Setting a specified budget will give you something to refer and stick to. If you head off on your holiday with no idea of how much you are going to spend then you are a lot more likely to go overboard. Set a daily allowance for when you are away and stick to it! If you spend less one day then you can spend more the next and vice versa. This is especially fun if you try to save it up all week so that you can have a big blow out before the end of your trip.

There are plenty of ways that you can save money when travelling abroad for your hen do. These tips really won't affect how much fun and freedom you have while you are abroad. So make sure you try to drink less, go for a self-catering option, find some cheap airport parking deals, get the girls to help you out and set a budget. But most of all, remember to have fun!


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