A Mum’s Guide to Working from Home

Photo of Woman Using Her Laptop

There are many responsibilities that come with being a mother. Juggling can become quite hectic when you are mother and you have to work from home and at the same time take care of the home. While all aspects are important, how can you balance between being a mother and your work especially when you kids are at home? Here are our top hacks for you;

How to cater for child care arrangements

Whether your child is still young or that of an school going age, it is paramount to set aside time for you child. If you have a nanny, do not entirely seclude yourself to your work. Have a couple of hours to play with your children. It will especially be important if you can have all your meals together. Let work not drift you away from your responsibilities.

Choosing your work schedules right

Being a work-at-home-mum needs that you pay attention to your time schedules. Know when your children get home and have a tentative time of when they are supposed to leave the house, have their meals and go to bed. In between, strategise on how to maximise your output. Most importantly, spend time with them as soon as they are home from school. The best times to work will be when they have already gone to bed or are occupied on other useful and educative activities.

Set up a working environment

Invest in a working space that supports your maximum output. A working desk, a laptop or personal computer and a strong internet connection should be given top priority. Get inspiration on how to do the set up right from stores such as Argos, PC World, and Amazon. Moreover, Discount Promo Codes give you discounts off on office necessities shopping from these stores.

To do List; prioririse

Lists will never go out of style. Simply note down everything you have to do and list them in the order of their importance. If you have to shop, for example, makes use of online stores for the best prices on items. Baby budgeting is so interesting you will lover everything you shop.

Let your spouse know you are working

Your partner can help you grow in your work. Let them know what it is you are doing, what you need and how they can help you. It could be with driving the kids to and from school, getting the deliveries, and so on. A supportive partner can help you become a better mother and worker at what you do.

Keep fit and stay healthy

Be sure to take care of yourself even as you take care of your family and your work. Dress comfortably as this helps with concentration and output. If you are expectant, shop maternity fit that support your baby bump. Eat healthy and also hydrate. If you work out, do not skip your gym sessions. Otherwise, take a walk on a daily basis as this, makes you healthier.


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